Shadrach Teryila Ukuma

Dr. Shadrach Teryila Ukuma is a lecturer in the Department of Theatre Arts at the Benue State University, Makurdi, Nigeria. He studied for a PhD via a joint commission (cotutelle) between the University of Maiduguri (Nigeria) and the University of Hildesheim (Germany). His thesis entitled “Cultural Performances: A Study on Managing Collective Trauma amongst Displaced Persons in Daudu, Benue State, Nigeria” has already been published by Peter Lang International Academic Publishers. His research interests include cultural performance, ethnomusicology, cultural sustainability, creative peacebuilding, transformative aesthetics and performance therapy.

Dr. Shadrach Teryila Ukuma ist Dozent am Department of Theatre Arts an der Benue State University in Makurdi, Nigeria. Er hat an den Universitäten in Hildesheim und Maiduguri (Nigeria) im Rahmen eines cotutelle-Verfahrens promoviert, seine Dissertation “Cultural Performances: A Study on Managing Collective Trauma amongst Displaced Persons in Daudu, Benue State, Nigeria” wurde bei Peter Lang veröffentlicht. Sein Forschungsinteresse  erstreckt sich auf kulturelle Performance, Musikethnologie, kulturelle Nachhaltigkeit, kreative Friedensförderung, transformative Ästhetik und Performance als Therapie.

Shadrach Teryila Ukuma, PhD
Department of Theatre Arts, Benue State University, Makurdi, Nigeria